Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So THIS is what Growing up is like...

Well, It's been a while that's for sure! Christmas was great, I got great gifts and due to working 3 jobs I was able to spoil my family in return, especially my Parents, they sure do deserve it! Since Christmas things have been great, I've been working, spending time with the family and learning new things. ON THAT NOTE: Last night I was able to call up an old friend from Utah. As the two of us talked we shared stories about what had been going on with our lives, what's new and all that fun stuff. Suddenly he brought up a subject I was trying pretty hard to avoid. He asked me how everything was going since this "incident" and I started talking to him about my feelings, what I experienced, what I've learned, and what I am going on to do. There was about 10 seconds of awkward silence when he says "Chelsey.... you have grown SO much, it's amazing." trying to figure out how "immature" I exactly was when I last saw him 8 months ago, he goes on to tell me that I wasn't immature, I just wasn't as knowledgeable as I seem to be now, and he notices I am a stronger , wiser person. It was a great compliment that has me thinking I must be doing something right. I've been thinking back to when I first moved home and how wishy-washy I was about everything, My goals, My love life, my dream and aspirations and I realized since then I have found myself indulging in more adult conversation, feeding my hunger for knowledge and doing things that allow me to expand my mind capacity. It's been great and I've been blessed enough with family and friends who remind me what I am capable of daily.
(Playing at the Park with Sophia and Olivia)

Work is going great, I haven't been working my third job that much, and my hours at the other two are slowing down but it's been nice to have Sundays off and still find time to spend with the family and go to the Temple 3 hours away. My job #1 as a full time Nanny is fun. I haven't met that many people who love waking up for work and get paid to play and bake goodies. It's a blast! I especially love the job because I am always doing something and learning new things. I would have to say the best thing about my job is how it teaches me better "domestic" skills. The parents are young but own there own business so they are always running around and don't have time for much. Finally I told Autumn (my boss, the Wife/mom) that she can feel free to leave a list of chores for me to get done while the girls are sleeping. Well, that she did! I finding my self doing chores I barely do around my house! but it's been nice because I come home and want to scrub and clean everything! (My mom doesn't complain at all of course) I thought I was good at multi-tasking before but this is a whole new level. The girls are getting really good at potty training, learning colors, words and numbers, while in return they teach me patience. I've always been a pretty patient person, but this definitely taught me. All those years of praying for patience is slowly coming to me ;) The other day I took the girls and My niece Payton to a local aquarium and got a couple "you look great for having 3 Children!" it was pretty funny. I got that same compliment a second time this last weekend on our temple trip when I took my twin niece and nephew and Payton to the mall. crazy crazy.

(My 4 year old Niece Payton,the blonde, playing with the girls I watch who decided to dress themselves that day, Sophia 3 and Olivia 1 3/4, they helped me let the chickens out!)

Besides those wonderful events Life is going pretty good. I've lost weight, got better and spiritual exercise and learning some more self improvement. As long as you look at everything in the glass half full and know it can be worse you're going to be ok! The last news update I have is that I am no longer going to SDSU, after praying I realized I needed to be in another area. So I've applied to a University that I believe is the one. we will see and I will update all of you as soon as I get my acceptance (hopefully) Letter. Until then, Love your Life, Smile often, and know you're loved!