First off I would just like to say I feel sorry for Brother Danielson who has to spend today alone! He is a young Veteran and should be having fun with all of us! haha Well so far so good. Thursday, Stuart and I were able to go up to the Hiller (parent's) residence and watch some illegal Fireworks, THAT was awesome. Then last night Stuart, Serena, Jesse, a couple of Jesse's Friends, Sister Danielson (Mom) and Sherie Echols and I went to go watch the fireworks at the Golf coarse but got lost so ended up driving around, it was PERFECT though because we were able to see fireworks everyone including Layton since we were so high up, when we finally got to the coarse it was about ten minutes to ending, but still great.
This Morning Serena and I woke up a little after six a.m. and went to the Centerville 5K Freedom run. It was then I realized how out of Shape I am. BUT we finished. We came back, took a nap and at anytime now everyone ELSE will wake up and meet at the Hiller residence. Heidi, Why isn't your baby out yet? I think she is well overdone. =) I'm Excited to see another Daughter of our heavenly Father to come into this world and to see how cute she is! Until then everyone, Have a happy Fourth of July and be safe! Take this time to remember how blessed we've been and thank the men who have served our country. Love you all,
My baby is NOT out yet because she is so stinkin' comfortable in my rockin' hot pregnant body!!